Howdy All!
The times have been a-changin' 'round these parts of late.
(Note to self: stop talking like an extra in a John Wayne film.)
(Start again.)
Sorry I've been away from this space for a time. Allow me to catch you up:
June 1 I started a full-time position as the Director of Religious Education at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Mill Valley, CA. I'm in charge of overseeing the faith formation programs for the kindergartners through 9th graders. It's a beautiful and friendly parish, and I'm very excited to be working there! You can find our Facebook page here and our parish blog here.
I've had a few things published/posted/promulgated here and there in the last few months.
Over at Crisis Magazine, I asked, “Are We
Still A Nation Of Laws?”, and shared some thoughts “On
Converting for the Wrong Reasons.”
My first piece ever at Catholic Lane looked at one possible etymology of the word reconciliation to talk about how we can be “Eyelash
to Eyelash with God.”
At Catholic Exchange I tried to give an explanation of the Church's philosophically-based understanding of the Eucharist in “Transubstantation
for the Rest of Us.”
The Homiletic and Pastoral Review shared my thoughts on how the Church's art can communicate the truths of the faith in “Worth
a Thousand Words: Iconography as Language.”
And Now... An Exciting Announcement!
I'm very pleased to share that my first-ever article will appear in print next month, as the St. Austin Review publishes my piece on how the evangelical counsels of poverty, celibacy, and obedience are present in The Lord of the Rings. Don't worry, I'll be posting a link so you can buy a copy!